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Cut the "paytriot" crap
Spent all last year watching systematic takedown on 8chan of every non-anon patriot--including Praying Medic--who via heavy shilling relying upon 
 - overgeneralization (using Corsi/Jones problems to say lots of others are comp'd)
 - jealousy (anons who secretly wish they were "rich" and "famous" too)
 - ignorance (exploiting anons' lack of understanding of pros and cons of being a public figure)

Don't fukken start this up again

We live in a free enterprise system
People write books, sell tshirts, etc
If some people exploit Q, that's their karma (long-run). 
Only those who actively betray the work (and are specifically pointed out by Q as doing so) deserve negative attn from anons

Anything else is DIVISION-FAGGING.

100% agree!