I like how hotwheels suggests us to go the Antifa way, while the one that uses their tactics is himself. There's a certain concept called a natural monopoly. The internet and social media that use the network effect aren't currently considered natural monopolies, but they are an ideal candidate for that, the lawmakers which created laws about that didn't have that much foresight.

What's a natural monopoly, you may ask. Think: utility services, like electricity. You can't really pick who supplies you electricity, because there's probably no other provider to provide electricity to your home. Electricity providers are likely to be regulated correctly. Can you force someone to deplatform a person from electricity antifa-way due to something? I think not, that would be absurd. The internet provider companies maybe should be given a similar scrutiny. The keyword is natural monopoly.

t. a conservative liberal (liberal in a classical meaning with a classical understanding of liberty)