Noobs, this is a suggested Daily flow chart to help learn the flow of the Plan and what to expect.
> Be Your Own Boss

DAY SHIFT [short term goals]
8am Potus tweets
8am scrape tweets and dig for intel
10am memes generated memes based on dig and intel
1pm social twitter apply themes per social thread advice and Dough Advice
2pm social fb apply themes per social thread advice and Dough Advice

NIGHTSHIFT [Long term goals]
*Think Tank ideas plans strategies
*Great Awakening develop ideas, graphics
*Moar potus tweet intel scrapping if you can
*Specialty threads created (stick to main players and entities)
*Thread archives updated 
*Board Dough updates
*Catalog maintenance

*Notables run 250 500 700
*Minibuns run 700

Positions and Their Tasks.
> BO manages dough and all the BV's
> BV manages board and all the BAKERS
> BAKERS eyes on potus tweets for thread ideas and shout out focus agenda for the noobs (shiff pelosi)
> SCRAPPERS gathers intel based on bakers thread and Potus recent Tweets
> NOTETAKER collect notables and notes based on current focus
> MINIBUNS gather info per focus. minibuns try to post at end, or at top of next bun.
> MEMERS build on gathered info of the focus post in thread
> SOCIAL fires based on current bread memes, the meme repo and specialty thread memes
> BV posts minibuns/notables/memes to respected threads for normies and newcomers to get to speed.
> LURKERS watch our back and catalog for shill attacks
> ARCHIVE archive any important links posted in thread (not arvhived)

EXAMPLE of how it should play out.
newb. hi im new, whats all this shit im hearing about shiff.
anon. i got u. check out this thread on shiff  >>/18339/ we got and this thread on memes  >>/960/ to use, we even have a social thread  >>/15186/ to learn how to apply the plan. It should help you get up to speed on whats going on and what we are doing here.