Posted in Great Awakening
Hippies For Trump” Yes, It’s A Real Thing And It’s Scaring Socialist Democrats Across America. Top Kek

Posted on July 21, 2019 by DCWhispers

How does a 70-something New York-based billionaire who also happens to be the President of the United States become the flashpoint for a new and increasingly powerful counter-culture movement all over the world?

That’s hard to say but the fact it’s happening is undeniable. Equally undeniable is that the collective group-think mentality that dominates the increasingly radicalized Democrat Party doesn’t like it one bit as they work to silence any and all socio-political opposition by calling anything that doesn’t support their brand of anti-Americanism as racist/bigoted/stupid/”like Hitler”.

It should be noted that since taking office, Donald Trump has been a president of peace and prosperity. Yet, the image portrayed by the Establishment Media consistently paints a far different picture, one that a growing number are calling out as a lie.

President Trump is sometimes brash, to be sure, but unlike his political colleagues and presidential predecessors, he makes a promise and then works to keep it. Those promises have included staying out of wars we don’t belong, giving freedom and opportunity back to the American people, and shrinking the influence of centralized power/government—all things the “hippie generation” once applauded.

Well, it now appears a new generation of hippies is emerging and finding Trump’s America to suit their ideals just fine, the Establishment Media be damned.

If this trend continues, if this seemingly unlikely partnership between new generation hippies and old generation Working Class of all races and religions, expands to include millions more by this time next year, it will likely usher in a 2020 re-election landslide for President Trump.

Read more at http://dcwhispers.com/hippies-for-trump-yes-its-a-real-thing-and-its-scaring-socialist-democrats-across-america/#Fw3X9XjezrKvbYdd.99