Well, as regards the LBP pic and “1st and 10 on the 40” crumb and nothing else, it may be that the habbs that occurred in the 1ST week of OCTOBER(10th month) in which POTUS revoked China’s 40-year lease, may have fulfilled that crumb drop. I had put much work into that drop but and although it may not have been the solution to that drop it gave me much familiarity with yachts. And that helped me identify the “dinghy”, as people were calling it in the pic of BC and friends in the Dominican Republic, as in fact a yacht tender, most likely an AVON yacht tender(although others exist that are similar. 

Did MUCH review of yacht pics at La Romana where Bunsford has a villa and found a yacht pic with yacht tender tied up to it called Dream Weaver. Cayman Island registry. Home port of George Town(2 words). Bunsford went to Georgetown with Bill Clinton. 

That yacht was tracked to Cannes and Monaco where, (and recently laid off of Italy councidentally while Barr was there) I think they may be trying to sell it at either the Cannes or Monaco yacht shows. Due to exposure and Q’s drops re the yacht owner? 

It is currently due in Tarragona, Spain. 

Sorry can’t do pic related on this site. Do I have to register or something? Get error when attempting pic attachment. Would love to continue helping here with pic related finds. 

Everything I did as a boatfag was phonefagging.