... Following World War II something happened that was to have tre-mendous significance for the future of all mankind. The intellectuals tooknote of this happening and brought it to the attention of the world powerelite The elite were severely shaken by the predicted repercussions of thisevent. They were told that by or shortly after the year 2000 the totalcollapse of civilization as we know it and the possible extinction of thehuman race could occur. It could occur, that is, if we did not destroy theearth with nuclear weapons before then. They were told that the onlythings that could stop these predicted events would be severe cutbacks ofthe human population, the cessation or retardation of technological andeconomic growth, the elimination of meat in the human diet, strict controlof future human reproduction, a total commitment to preserving the en-vironment, colonization of space, and a paradigm shift in the evolutionary consciousness of man.
( The elites were rattled by the effects of the baby boom after WW2 )
A third study was made by the Club of Rome ending in 1968 to determine the limits to growth. The result was the same. The Club of Rome was commissioned to develop a computer model of the world so as to predict the outcome of corrections made to social and economic struc- tures by the elect. The Club of Rome was also asked to develop a computer model of a New World Order. Both tasks were accomplished.Studies were done to determine a method to arrest the population explosion before the point of no return would be reached. It was deter- mined that an immediate attack on the problem would involve two points of intervention. The first was to lower the birth rate and the second was to increase the death rate