VeggieTales: Dance of the Cucumber - Silly Song

And now it's time for "Silly Songs with Larry," the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. Larry will be performing the traditional Argentinian ballad
'The Dance of the Cucumber,' in it's original Spanish. Bob the Tomato will translate."

[Verse 1: Larry the Cucumber (Bob the Tomato translation)]
Miren al pepino (Watch the cucumber)
Miren como se mueve (See how he moves,)
Como un leon (Like a lion)
Tras un raton (Chasing a mouse.)
Miren al pepino (Watch the cucumber)
Sus suaves movimientos (Oh, how smooth his motion,)
Es como mantequilla (Like butter)
En un chango pelon. (On a...bald monkey.)
Miren al pepino (Watch the cucumber)
Los vegetales (All the vegetables)
Envidian a su amigo (Envy their friend)
Como el quieren bailar. (Wishing to dance as he.)
Pepino bailarin (Dancing cucumber), pepino bailarin (dancing cucumber), pepino bailarin (dancing cucumber)
¡Baila, baila, ya! (Dance, dance, yeah!)

[Verse 2: Larry - spoken (Bob translation)]
Miren al tomate. (Look at the tomato.)
¿No es triste? (Isn't it sad?)
El no puede bailar. (He can'
¡Pobre tomate! (Poor...tomato!)
El deberia poder bailar como el pepino (He wishes he could the cucumber...)
Libre y suavemente. (Free and...smooth...)
Pero el no puede danzar. (But he...can't...)