please add to #cucumber notable in

 >>/20612/,  >>/20803/,  >>/20808/,  >>/20821/,  >>/20840/,  >>/20841/,  >>/20844/,  >>/20855/,  >>/20881/  >>/20899/,  >>/20854/ Jim W's anti-censorship #CucumberDance

Recommend that any anon with an interest in tuning into what's going on with 8qun and 8qun censorship subscribe to Jim W's "watkins xerxes" YT channel. Much of what he says is sort of encoded but very interesting--if ya can hear it over the milkshake machine at McDonalds (etc). Have listened several times now to the latest show, lotsa stuff there to think about. #cucumberDance just the beginning, kek!