>  >We need him? (lindsey? why? what do you know anon?)
CHAIRMAN of the Senate Judiciary Committee
This is rather fundamental
who replaces him, if removed?
again memes are for the followers, not him he - 4%-6% atm

> Romney's following
His following is less important than who is behind him
to (You) maybe.
to me his followers are moar imporant. cant save romney, but can save followers

> on the list
Dont call me kiddo, bruh. its a task list of our focus group, who we are to follow per potus tweet. do you have one? do u use one? u should.

Again Anon I think you are confused
these memes are not ment for an attack at the target
we are attacking the bulls pupil (his following)

> The Exit is at the end of the bar, please make sure to tip your baker on the way out