How to interpret Germatria
Sometimes used in tweets, often used in official shop.donaldjtrump.com store

Gematria pairs (vertical and horizontal, so leftmost line and topmost paragraph).

Vertical = IIT = 38
Horizontal (1st paragraph) = IBW = 34

Use gematrix.org (Simple English) for quick reference.

Look for matching pairs.

Gold  (IIT) Feds  (IBW)
Jew   (IIT) Allah (IBW)
Alpha (IIT) DJT   (IBW)


Then, you run simple gematria on all remaining paragraphs. There are none in this example, because this is just an example, but what you are searching for are words/phrases that align with each line. Almost always this will be single words, names may be multiple, multi-word terms may be multiple, rare cases multiple independent words are significant.

Find the ones with the most alignments, and you have the message.
If there are ties or close, there could be multiple meanings.
On the store, it is generally associated in some way with the picture.
In tweets, it is generally associated in some way with the content of the tweet.

(This has been an educational service announcement).