fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[qanonresearch] - Endchan Magrathea
 >>/23255/ (you)

Post to your own timeline
also get the chan.voiat.gab involved
look for fence riders, with weak comments
You are the Madd Hatter at this point keep it tippy top

 >>/23191/ (you) Lindsey Graham impeachment
 >>/23215/ Hunter Biden Romania
 >>/23237/ (you) Bernie Sanders Q
 >>/23234/ Katie Hill Pelosi (donothingdemocrats)

#Biden, #Ukraine, #Free, #Romania, #Trump, #Turkey, #QAnon, #WWg1WGA, #MAGA
#Romney #Graham #Hill

#Graham around 86 t/h
#lindseygraham around 90 t/h
#bernie 50 t/h
#Romania starting to trend. from 0 to 90+
#KatieHill now at 250/h and rising.