>>/23507/ pb
> link to QR baking thread
Here 'tis....
(somehow didn't think of linking it, kek)

> If WE do not counter these arguments, then who will?
Yes. And most of those arguments aren't even arguments--they are unsauced claims. Ask them for something moar, and you either get no reply or something nasty. Those are the real shills. 
Agree about post bots at top of breds--no need to counter Finkelstein (maybe he never return)
> Shills 'deep in the bred'
Deep also in that they 'blend' sufficiently to may sound legit
> shut them down
Yes--hard to do in QR bc it got so toxic for reasons i won't get into here. QRB anons like harmony and do challenge shills, and it helps (much easier with a newer bred). If shills are too numerous, it becomes hard to re-balance the board. Some late nights on QR, it sometimes the ratio of shills to anons was so high that shills seemed more numerous than anons.