reaper08 jpg
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> If BO = comped, then we're going to have only comped bakers anyway.
> If BO != comped, then he can remove bakers.
What about comp'd BV's like Fungus? No one thought 8bit was responsible for that fuckming trannies bullshit.
Fucker became a BV under FapJack after 8bit blew him up. Caused the war of notable creek attacking an AWESOME nightshift baker with his bullshit and bots.
Having been back on half/pol for two months after a year of comfy on qresearch, I almost forgot what it was like to be in a cesspool. Should be part of basic training for anons, IMHO.
Let me make it simple for you newfag. This aint your fucking safe space. There are always shills, glowniggers and fuckheads out here in the chans. Some motherfucker is always fucking comp'd one fucking way or another. It never fucking ends. For US, a comp'd baker is likely just a raider from /pol or /b or /x. Probably trying to force the JQ before Q and POTUS wish, or, pushing aliens or nigger hate, maybe even a FETard. They get in during Graveyard shift, sometimes during dayshift esp slow times. Who gives a fuck.
Gather a notable list if you care, talk to a good baker, give him your notables. He'll call out to the board what happened and clean the dough and the kitchen, with anon help. We live. We are stronger.
AND you never know, the comp'd fuck might see our kindness and research, change his ways and join the team. THAT's how the chans work. Not by banning and guarding and excluding, but by allowing anyone in, listening, debating, and teaching. That's free speech. Fuck, that's freedom mate, and that's why we are fucking here.