can be talked about, yes. but hard to figure out. for me, at least. but then i don't know enough about fastjack's past--not specifically. has been mentioned that he was (or may have been) involved in earlier shenanigans with cbts. was he bo or bv? That's b4 my time, oldfags would know moar. nothing in qresear.ch.

what i know for sure is that, as soon as @fj and BV crew took over in April, trouble began. 
 - BV deletes some anon's posts as spam, half of which were in notables--weird--and wouldn't admit what he did (wtf?? found out in next months....)
 - @fj institutes per post catpchas around first week of May (April 28?)
 - Information Warfare thread deleted early May (@fj later deleted other threads)
 - @fj calls bakers "complacent" sometimes in May (Global Notable)--really arrogant tone, warning shot over the bow

after that, attacks on bakers accelerated, combined with shill attacks and board got more and more tense (even night shift not comfy, kek)

until BO took over board completely i think on Aug 11, which anons hated and complained bitterly; Q said "revert" on Aug 18 (?), but BO crew continued to screw around in a subversive way until the time that board came down. 

Very rough, but that's the story.
don't quote me on the dates. Want to think things have changed
not paranoid by nature
but realistically, anons must WATCH QR BOARD VERY CLOSELY
and pray.