>>/23903/,  >>/23894/,  >>/23901/,  >>/23905/

Some of the tactics used to mess up qresearch main board mar-aug 2019:

1. BO/BVs staged a coup against 8bit via threatening to doxx him (stand-up BO) and took over in April.

2. Same crew become increasingly distant and hostile towards anons, they purposely made the board more & more uncomfy--per post captchas played a big role there but they did a lot of other things (e.g., removing threads they didn't like) to make the place a "hostile work environment."

3. Biggest tactic was the wholesale campaign against bakers. Bakers are always the weak link in the chain coz there are so few of them, espec. regular bakers. If you can drive away the bakers, you can shut the board down (or at least make it highly dysfunctional).

They did not succeed in shutting it down but did make things pretty messed up, using many ploys:

 - new BO never communicated the way 8Bit did; issued edicts, didn't ask. wtf is this guy? anons wanted to know but he said little
 - Later, lazy BO arbitrarily took away BV vetting process, which had worked well previously (called bakers "complacent")
 - baker monickers or pastebins with names were attacked as fame/name fagging, even tho they worked well for /comms/ (remember, we no longer had BO/BV's to help vet bakers--wouldn't even give us work sched so we'd know when there was someone on duty). In summary, they attacked the means by which we could easily id each other, then inserted their shills and finally attacked bakers as shills
  - BO/BVs were gone a lot--once we had a shill thread sitting in the unlocked for like 8 or 10 hours?
 - inexperienced bakers who made mistakes were called shills (by shills);  even brand new bakers were attacked as shills ( they didn't want new bakers)
 - more generally, shills cried reeeeeeeee over every little mistake ("see, baker comp'd") and constantly accused bakers or either leaving out notables or including bad notables 
 - shills spewed a constant stream of muh joos insults-- all bakers =   mossad bakers--@fj is muh joos guy
 - anons attacked for posting baker babes [bewbs = porn according to self-righteous SJW shills]
 - anons attacked even for thanking bakers; after a while, anons were afraid to thank 
 - late nights shills & BO would gang up and attack bakers, forcing them to abandon late shifts, which shills often took over
 - baker greetings like "o7" and "Godspeed" were said by shills to be signs of "mossad" bakers / baker's union--but that was nipped in the bud, what a crock
  - when bakers really did screw up--often bc of the bad situation--shills always took advantage, one way or another--which is how BO justified taking over one day (obviously lying in wait)
 - when BO finally did seize control in July, he threw out all the old bakers and brought in his own muh joos shill bakers (his goal all along). Good news is that this showed anons for sure he was totally comp'd, so anons became united against him--nobody now thinks he was just misguided, etc. 

If BO/BVs try those tactics again, 
Don't fall for them!
Espec newfags who weren't there before
No moar division-fagging
Anons together
dig, meme, pray
and also communicate!!

(got irl now, if any comments, i'll get back later)