my beleife atm is the energy enters another dimension and time
possibly as in inverted star
The only constant in life is change.
You are either moving forward, or you are falling behind.
> another dimension and time
Isn't time a dimension? The fourth?
And it only transcends to one more?
What is gravity? What is time?
gravity time is correlated
Dots and dots and dots.
like the the starts in the sky
Who has a sharpie?
the signal
we are sound
God creates the dimensions particle by particle, moment by moment.
theres is a quantum wave front approaching.
it is deconstructing reality as it passes.
this cannot stat hidden.
LIGO data is highly indicative.
< have a nice day.
Grand Conjunction = Meeting of Saturn and Jupiter (Nibiru)
There was a timeline granted to the ones that occupy this place. That timeline is up in a couple of months.
The big man is coming back to clean house.
> holy shit..
And what does that noise represent?
Alternate spelling is "ohm"
i alwasy imagined the 4th dimesnions is a picture
its 3d stopped in time
Such is your mission.
But never forget: It is only when we think we know everything, that we lose the ability to learn anything.
When you have satisfied that you already know, are you still moving? If there is only change...
>>/22633/ >>/22636/ >>/22646/
is god the wave and we are the particles?
> The Awakening is not for everyone.
> The offer is for everyone. Not everyone willing to accept.
still estimated 4-6% lost forever? hope not.
> What is a secret society?
a group of individuals which guard knowledge
> Why are we public?
justice, to restore balance and order- and hopefully... recruiting?
>>/22637/ >>/22657/
So can we assume that everything matters, every thought, actions, feeling, intention matters in this realm?
You are right, but I was specifically referring to cancer vs productive cells.
Grow the body.
I wouldn't use the word "assume," but yes.
You are a part of everything.
All that you do expands what that is.
There is no standing still.
do we live in a solar binary system
something about planet x and the sun niburu
are there demons on nibuiru?
where are the angels at the moment?
>>/22643/ >>/22659/
I've pointed.
Why do we use the word "organic?"
What would I be if I did all the work, and you blindly followed?
What is a secret society?
What is cancer?
How is cancer treated?
What if you have always felt a presence near you, a good presence who helps you, and you not what they are, they do not represent a human nor do they talk to you you just always know they are with you and they are there to guide...
Nimrod, anon...
There are no aliens naturally in the three dimensions which you inhabit.
That does not mean they are not connected to those dimensions.
That does not mean they cannot enter those dimensions.
Their mission is to keep you limited; to keep you asleep.
>>/22650/ >>/22651/