You are as a cell is to the body.
Cells divide, replicating themselves to grow the body.
This either happens as productive cells, or as cancer cells.
One is constructive, one is destructive.
One grows the body, one hurts the body.
There is no in between. The only alternate is death and recycle.
> Lucifer was the first defector of this realm. This is why he is praised by the secretive cults that control many facets of our world.
Lucifer seeks to create a new body within the body -- a cancer.
Are you a cancer, or part of the productive growth? Choice.
> Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, which form a binary pair. They are an average of 4.3 light-years from Earth.
> It is about 4.22 light-years from Earth and is the closest star other than the sun.
perhaps a coincidence--kek dont belive in those--but thinking mirror and seeing 322
Sol Soul...
I've slowed down awaiting questions.
Btw -- shill should be on duty any moment now.
[enter shill]
Stop distracting them.
Lucifer is misunderstood.
Lucifer is called the "Light-Bringer" for a reason.
Remember, Thelema seeks to invert things.
The NLP you're employing is elementary.
No disrespect to your wisdom, but what if a person believes the cancer is the right way to live...what if they have never really been given the oportunity to know what a productive organic existence is made of...does that mean they are destined to the darkness and the death..I feel your explanation to be too simplistic, divided almost, its either this way or that way, sorry I know that its just not that simple......
Cancer is a choice.
You don't believe in free will?
Q529. Whether you like it, or not. We fight for the rest.
Are we contemplating open vs closed system in the macro?
Shape of space-time is a toroid rather than only 3D, constantly replenishing/renewing.
Like the military, fighting even for citizens who may despise them.
if you replace cancer with evil then yes I do believe in free will in that respect...but so many suffer not knowing there is another way....
[insert shill]
Not at all.
Lucifer defied Saturn. Saturn cast him down.
Thelema inverted the truth.
The ones that finally realize the truth imitate him.
Don't feel so insulted and defensive, but an immature understanding of the symbology behind Mytholdogy has contributed extensively to the disinfo surrounding this area.
Light-Bringer is an archetype. [They] call them "Prophets".
We are about to sign off for the night, any final questions before the shill attempts to unravel everything we've accomplished?
Last call.