> Hard and costly to build a proper site
Yes. Which is why we patiently wait--bc we must. One thing I realize from being on endchan: this site has glitches, in part bc it's underfunded.
When it started, that wouldn't have mattered so much. But it matters now.
Free speech image boards are sitting ducks for crazy sho oter types or others who wish to destroy free speech by "proving" they full of bad people with bad motives.
Image boards not just about gamers giving feminists the finger anymoar, stakes are higher. There's really nothing casual about running a site like this at the moment, at any level. So even if i had moar experience, i wouldn't try to do it, espec not here. Not a bad site (and at least the Global Volunteers show up when you report a suspicious post--kudos to them). But this place is run on a shoestring, and it shows. Bless em for their efforts, tho.
Think codemonkey will come thru for us--and Jimbo with his flowing fountain pen and cucumber dance. Crazy like foxes, those guys, o7.