RE  >>/24195/
You make a good argument re 3rd hand info, we'll see what turns out to be true. 
However, OAN was willing to go on the record with it, so i went with it.
The argument about someone being not ok bc they run a 504C3 is not as strong. Gotta look at the base rates: just bc bad guys use charities to do bad stuff, doesn't tell us that 504c3 status means bad stuff is going on. How many 501c3 orgs are ok vs not ok? Likely that very high % are ok (even now). 

(Trump endorses OAN; should he? Good question.)

tx for feedback. Your argument is 
and should be added.

can you change notable to this?

 >>/24195/,  >>/24447/ OAN claims former FBI official James Baker flipped; anon makes counter-argument