Jim Watkins Service... png
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Posted this last bred and on Voat. >>/24607/ (you) , >>/24698/ (you) Jim Watkins Q&A 'Service Due' How can we securely connect with local nodes for 8chan? VArious voat goats were talking about whether they would be willing to host one of the local "nodes" Jim was talking about in order to get around censors on Clearnet. When Jim talked about this, he was saying something about anons connecting with a "neighbor's" computer (meaning a local node) for that purpose but said the neighbor might be able to see our data in some way. So we'd have to trust that neighbor. But how can we? We are anons so many of us don't know anybody by their real name or even an alias. So i wrote to one of them talking about this issue: Jim talked about using your "neighbor's" computer to get to 8chan--by which i think he means us making contact with anons who have the technical know-how to configure local servers. Only one problem: everything about 8chan is set up to keep us anon--at least from one another. And there's also this anti-naming-fagging ethos that reinforces that. As a result, many of us do not have any way to contact even one other anon except thru 8chan. So let's say i wanted to connect with one of the nodes, not just clearnet (in case that connection goes down). I could ask for your protonmail acct and maybe you'll say yes. But wait--you don't know me--and I don't know you. Jim mentioned that our "neighbor" might be able to see our info. How well do we know our "neighbor" anons? On the board, some anons are shills. Bummer. Also, maybe there are reasons you might not want me to know something about you, right? I might be the to overcome this problem? Normally, people come to trust one another by working together a forming a relationship. But if someone is totally anon, that won't happen. From a technical perspective, is there a way you can see for two parties to connect wo/either being potentially comp'd? (My proposed solution would be to "namefag" to the extent of having monickers like they do on the Awakening. We all have monickers on VOAT bc we have to pick up points b4 we could go anon here on QRV. Although i'm mostly on QR now--not VOAT--there are still a few anons from the Awakening who know me and vice-versa--and would likely trust me as the result of previous posts and discussions. If anons could surrender the idea that a fake name makes us attention hogs, we could explore ways to develop relationships in a safe and practical fashion.) THOUGHTS, frens?