Think i talked with Daniel once, he asked me a q right in the middle of this crazy interaction with BO @fj. Like the eye in the middle of a storm. Wanted to know what it was like to be anon sometimes and non-anon others.
Re getting fucked bc others impersonate:
anons have stuff they do and make--memes, diggs, breds, etc.
easy to prove one's identity if necessary by posting original work, espec quickly (right when challenged). No one would have some other anon's work right there in the moment.
for bakers, just post pastebins. When bakers are accused of being a shill, you can just post yr recent work and demonstrate immediately that you're ok.
Many ways to defend. Best way, tho, is to pray like your life depends upon it. Has gotten me out of many sticky situations.
have not used discord b4, could ask my 14 yr old nephew, who has his own gaming board, for help tho. Discord has a bad name with anons bc of past stuff. But any tool can be used or misused.
One problem i think is that gamers formed chans, so chans on the board level (and maybe higher up, depending) are often run like medieval fiefdoms, where BO thinks he's the local Lord of the Manor.
Maybe ok for chans--won't comment--but no so good for QResearch, which is a cross between a chan-type board and a patriots board.
Founding Fathers were not medieval lords but free thinkers with pretty libertarian principles.
We are still figuring out how to combine these two models to create viable Q boards.