I can't currently host a node bc i lack the skills. But I could probably afford to do so, assuming it's not like a $50,000 type investment for equipment.
Suppose those interested could establish contact with local anons who had those skills--and could both teach us basic skills and and offer tech support when needed. You'd could have a lot more nodes that way.
(i am mostly alone and so anything i know, i taught myself--like html do put up a website years ago. But with help, i could probably do moar. But we'd have to deal with the current "anon is an anon" model first.)
Not trying to do away with our traditional setup--bc i like it really well. But now we have these new problems of everything get deplatformmed. So one way or the other, change is needed, the question is: what kind?
i just "met" an anon who turns out to live in the same city on twatter. strange experience bc it seems almost taboo. but maybe we'll meet, maybe we'll meet others, too. I read about anons in EU who have Q groups who meet.
Security is a concern, but best security imo is prayer plus intuition. Has always served me well.
> trust is established thru networks
Interesting. But the people have to trust one another first, don't they? At least enough to get the thing started?