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> D-5
"Above the President, all military and civilian agencies, in protecting the United States Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, and aid in preventing wars to avoid a nuclear Armageddon"
If this is true, military and civilian "agencies" consider themselves above the President. I can understand the thought that the President is a temporary fixture and that "agencies" are permanent but if they consider themselves "Above the President" it makes a mockery of elections.
Was the scene in Independence Day when the President learned that knowledge of aliens was being withheld a reflection of truth?
If the intent of the D-5 "agencies" is truly to defend the Constitution etc, that's potentially a good thing, until you get people like Brennan, Clapper, Strzok et al in charge of said "agencies", then all bets are off. We talk about the deep state and have evidence of cooperation among "agencies" against the agenda of the duly elected President. Are they doing it to "protect the Constitution"?
I don't think so based upon what we've learned. This is a wake up call. When unelected bureaucrats and military officers consider themselves above the President, elected by the people, then we're in dangerous waters.
If we look at all of Q's posts containing D-5, what do we learn?