UN compound in SLC... mp4
(15.74 MB, 674x374 h264)
I'm no fan of the UN, but I also read yesterday, it may be that the UN leased the property in Utah and were just exercising their property rights. This may or may not be true.
Watch UN Police in Utah Stating Their Power Supersedes U.S. Constitution
I am one of the original authors of the video, for those asking for more info. We have a full and continuing reports available at http://www.UnitedNationsUtah.com and http://www.DefendingUtah.org.
Nothing has been taken out of context, but many people are not even reading what we published in the first place. One youtube channel even copied our video and cut it a full minute short, and added their own claims that it was all the democrats. Truth is Utah is almost completely run by Republicans. Salt Lake City is mostly democrats. Both sides of the aisle approved this nonsense.
I see lots of questions online in social media that were already directly answered in the video, and the complete who, what, when, where, why is on http://www.UnitedNationsUtah.com
Video is enlightening. definitely
Worth a dig