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>>/25868/ > I am seeing freemasonry everywhere locally Listen, here's the thing. The tone of your inquiry suggests you are afraid. But also drawn to look at dark stuff. And perhaps now feeling as tho you are "falling" into a dark world where everything appears to embody that darkness. Now in a certain sense, it's correct to say that everything is dark, that we live in a place that is distinctly unbalanced. At the same time, it is correct to say that there is light in everything--that nothing is completely dark. That in everything there is the possibility of redemption (espec human beings). So the question is this: why are you drawn to notice what is dark? You might think it's bc you've been reading about covens or masons or some other dark thing and now you know how the world *really* is. When people first get redpilled--yes, they do notice things they didn't notice previously. And it can be quite shocking, as all of us know. So what happens next? Depends upon you. If you don't want to live in the dark, then seek out the light. That is why prayer is so important in work like we do--so that we understand (and not just theoretically but experientially) the tremendous power of Light, Love God, the Holy Spirit. How God has the power to lift us our of the darkness and into the light. Without that understanding, this kind of work is dangerous. Not bc the bad guys are gonna get cha, but bc you'll get paranoid and mentally unbalanced. And you'll tend to be drawn to situations which will make that condition worse. Not a good kind of spiral to get into. This is absolutely not necessary. If you don't want that negative result, then you don't have to have it. It is possible to live where there is darkness and still be essentially in the light, and protected by the light. But if you have truly been fascinated or spellbound by darkness for a long time, it can be hard to see this. I'd recommend taking a break for a while--just getting away from all this illuminati stuff. BC it's pretty hard to go directly from a "dark" world to a "light" world. Easier to do something entirely different for a time while cultivating some kind of spiritual practice that helps you feel more balanced. If you're on the right track, you should experience a sense of relief almost right away. Blessings anon, WRWY.