Okay... start here:
'A publishing company, initially named Lucifer Publishing Company, was established by Alice and Foster Bailey in the State of New Jersey, USA, in May 1922 to publish the book, Initiation Human and Solar.'
'The Arcane School started in 1923'
'World Goodwill was established in 1932'
'Triangles in 1937'
okay; World Goodwill
-this is where Lucis Trust and the UN 'lock hips'
'The Lucis Trust has Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC) and World Goodwill is recognized by the Department of Public Information at the United Nations as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO). As such the Trust and World Goodwill are part of a community of many hundreds of NGOs that play an active role in the United Nations'
Starting here, still lots to dig