thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-10-29  Ben Laden at DuckDuckGo.png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-10-29  Ben Laden at DuckDuckGo.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-10-29 L'homme qui a tué Oussama Ben Laden s'exprime - YouTube.png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-10-29 L'homme qui a tué Oussama Ben Laden s'exprime - YouTube.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-10-29 Rudy Giuliani on Twitter Contrast the reaction to the killing of Ben Laden I and my fellow Republican[...].png
thumbnail of Screenshot_2019-10-29 Rudy Giuliani on Twitter Contrast the reaction to the killing of Ben Laden I and my fellow Republican[...].png
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Re post from PB for visibility
Regarding Ben Laden


Capture de Ben Laden: Les Etats-Unis assurent avoir...

A Abbottabad, la ville pakistanaise dans laquelle a été capturé Oussama Ben Laden, le calme était revenu ce mardi matin. La tempête est ailleurs, autour de l'opération qui a mené à cette arrestation. Deux jours après le raid, Washington continue d'affirmer avoir agit seul et n'aurait pas prévenu l'Etat pakistanais de cette opération secrète dont l'objectif premier était de capturer et non pas d'éliminer Oussama Ben Laden.


Bin Laden's capture: The United States claims to have ...

In Abbottabad, the Pakistani city in which Osama bin Laden was captured, calm had returned on Tuesday morning. The storm is elsewhere, around the operation that led to this arrest. Two days after the raid, Washington continues to claim to have acted alone and would not have warned the Pakistani state of this secret operation whose primary objective was to capture and not eliminate Osama bin Laden. [Embed]

Here's a utube found using Rudy's Ben Laden, tweet statement. Watching the video..should signal somethings with regard to the narrative at the time. The scene really stands in contrast. Which perfectly explains POTUS emphasis on Al-Baghdadi, and Rudy tweet Ben Laden.

L'homme qui a tué Oussama Ben Laden s'exprime

Robert O'Neill, le marine qui a tué Oussama Ben Laden a raconté à Fox News la manière dont l'opération s'est déroulée.Cet ancien des Navy Seals dit avoir atteint Ben Laden "dans la tête, en trois balles".
-Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour recevoir nos dernières vidéos.

Bin Laden's capture: The United States claims to have

In Abbottabad, the Pakistani city in which Osama bin Laden was captured, calm had returned on Tuesday morning. The storm is elsewhere, around the operation that led to this arrest. Two days after the raid, Washington continues to claim to have acted alone and would not have warned the Pakistani state of this secret operation whose primary objective was to capture and not eliminate Osama bin Laden.

French video posted above.


The man who killed Osama bin Laden speaks

Robert O'Neill, the navy who killed Osama bin Laden, told Fox News how the operation was carried out. The former Navy Seals said he had hit bin Laden "in the head, in three bullets".

Finally, Please disregard post with this last image.. found information this is a hoax perpetrated on April Fools for the article, I also have to assume the story is fake as I can not authenticate the "Retired CIA Agent"  Sauce: