Re shilling on this board:
Yes, there is shilling. There is always shilling on a board like this. The flashing images are recent, they weren't here when i first came around 9/19. Breds were 3-4 days long and there were very few shills (mainly the shill who posts the outhouse stuff). Shill activity has picked up since then, I assume bc this is the only QR board indexed by qresear.ch that currently has live links. It's still nowhere near the level of shilling on the QR main board on 8chan, tho; not gonna say what was there coz anons who were there know--but it was gross.
BO was obviously here from the start; so were some anons. I'm guessing that the place may have been shill-free for a while. At QRB, it was only completely shill free for about 3-4 days. but shill activity there was still pretty light about 20 days later as of Aug 5--not bc were weren't "over the target," but bc the anons who stayed on QRB are particularly keen to keep the community comfy. So they call out would-be shills. When two shills showed up and tried to introduce muh joos stuff (blended in), they got "outed" as being sneaky by an anon who was watching. Once some clown (complete with mean clown meme) challenged the baker's right to bake, baker said, "ok, bake is yours" and signed off! That surprised the shill so much that he gave the bake back and shut up.
Lots of ways to deal with shills, not just one. Works best imo not to let them get a foothold, bc then shill posts become normalized. This is what anons are trying to do on QRB. Of course, if you're so successful that they sent in shills to literally overrun the place with sheers numbers, new board might be the only option. But at least you know you forced the opposition to go to extraordinary lengths to take you down.
Re last night board problems:
We do not know for sure why endchan went down, plz do not jump to conclusions based solely on possibilities. That is what the MSM does to to us--calls all of us potential shooters bc a tiny no of shooters choose to post on our board. They think they know something when all they know if what they believe.
We can do better than that by entertaining many possibilities but always separating out hypotheses from facts until we have real evidence.
In short, try to think like a scientist--or a detective--not them.