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New VICE hit piece seeks to discredit Q by linking it to UFO stuff

MSM just never runs out of ideas for discrediting Q. In this especially pompous article, they go after Jordan Sather, suggest that most Q commentators are just in it for the money, and finally link Q to Russian disinformation efforts: 

QAnon and UFO Conspiracies Are Merging
M J Banias, 10-29-19

....The QAnon conspiracy has been partially linked to Russian based disinformation campaigns because it tends to fit how Russia has worked in the past to generate mistrust within a populace.

“Amplifying the QAnon conspiracy in particular, while unproven, demonstrates their modus operandi of amplifying existing social tensions by increasing the perception of popularity of certain concepts or sentiments,” Decker said. “More than anything else, conspiracy networks create a stochastic threat of violence whereby supporters are encouraged to go out into the real world to ‘investigate the truth’ without consideration for rule of law, which they often consider a tool of ‘the deep state.’”.....