thumbnail of oct 2019 anti 8chan and Q articles (draft).png
thumbnail of oct 2019 anti 8chan and Q articles (draft).png
oct 2019 anti... png
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> research is now equated with lawlessness/criminality
YEs, precisely.

But why are we in trouble? be we are investigating 
> without consideration for the rule of law.
Not only is this defamatory, it's COMPLETELY UNPROVEN.
There is NOT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE that the vast majority--like 99.9%--of content on 8chan is lawful.

But then, every article is like this. here's a cap of articles from the last month.

When I first started collecting these articles, I had no idea the number would grow so great. Or that these outlets would continue not only to print LIES, but for those lies to get bigger and bigger over time (largely bc a group of anons isn't in a good position to defend against them).

Collecting evidence is the first step. But what can be done with it, to stop both the MSM and the govt (Dept of Homeland security and House Dems Cmte on Homeland Security) from using it to shut down free speech??

(BTW, within a week, there will be a full report/update on total hit pieces Oct 2017-Oct 2019. Where it will be posted depends on what's up in the way of websites by them. Check if it's not here.)