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thumbnail of patriotic scene dont tread on me.jpg
patriotic scene... jpg
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You probly think i'm obnoxious, but notables are so important to a board. I am afraid this board will die without them and don't want to see it happen. This is why i suggested you try to stay on top of notables in real time and post them at the end of each bred. You can then use them to do your BV notes later. I know real time is a burden, but this is why most anons don't bake. Probably why you got burned out on it after six weeks.

It is my honest belief that you will only attract new bakers to the board if you use the "standard format" as is used in QResearch and also allow the bakers to basically run the breds--and to let them manage the dough, as well, although as BO you can work cooperatively with them to determine content.

On QR, the dough is much shorter and easier to understand. Because it now changes it so much (and is so long), nobody can manage it now except you. I wouldn't even try. 

The reason doughs don't change much from bred to bred is so bakers and oldfag anons can watch over the dough in each bred, making sure it's in good shape. When one person changes it a lot, only that person can manage it. 100% control brings 100% responsibility.

To bring bakers on board, you would have to let them take the lead on that--bc bakers run the show or do not bake. All oldfags know this and accept it. @fastjack did not and you saw what happened--a big mess on QR, anons leaving QR for QRB, and Q finally saying "revert". Do you understand why?

You may not think bakers are perfect (which is correct). But wo/proficient bakers who know how to train and support new bakers, you cannot run a QR-style board long term. Only proficient bakers can train new bakers. They can train you too--it's not so hard to bake using QR approach with help.

The thread i created that has a QR dough an an example shows how breads look in that system. There are also notes on how things are done. So you have the basics right here.
If you ever decide you want to "revert"--that is to convert your current system to the one used on QR/QRB, I will help you--if you want that help. But that is completely your decision. The only reason I bring this up is bc everything is behind and you seem burned out. How will you catch up and stay caught up?

If there is no change, this anon will still try to do what is possible within current constraints. As always, i totally respect your decision to create a board when nobody else stepped up to do it.

But you gotta try to stop pushing anons around and calling all of us shills when we object. 
The anons you're calling out are not shills but oldfags who have what it takes to support this board, if you could just leave us alone to do it.