now with descriptions
>>/26141/ UN NGO Listing for World Goodwill
>>/26142/ Heads of State , Heads of Government and Ministers for Foreign Affairs
>>/26147/ UN: politicians and heads of state
>>/26148/ triangles > Grand Triangle, Inc
>>/26149/ UN NGO Listing for Temple of Understanding
>>/26156/ 777 UN Plaza, 3rd Floor, New York, New York 10017 -spoopy digits
>>/26166/ List of ALL UN Civil Society Participation
>>/26174/ etymology: lucid
>>/26176/ lucid == lucis
>>/26193/ Donations and grants from domestic sources
>>/26197/ >>/26202/ lucistrust.org >links
>>/26296/ no wiki for lucid publishing
>>/26302/ still not 100% convinced that "Lucid Publishing" is what it's all about
>>/26312/ 'lucid___' wiki pages
>>/26347/ Lucid Publishing facebook page
>>/26349/ United Nations publisher is Lucis Trust, earlier called Lucifer Publishing
>>/26359/ The Lucis Trust: bibliotecapleyades.net
>>/26365/ Interesting video about Lucis Trust
>>/26378/ Financing the Work of the Lucis Trust
>>/26382/ Lucis Donation page
>>/26383/ Support of the United Nations
>>/26386/ Lucis Trust Structure
>>/26388/ Lucis Events for November
>>/26391/ Lucis Trust Wiki Page
>>/26393/ Lucis is a form of the Latin word, lux, and means ‘Light’
>>/26394/ Lucis Trust propagates the work of an “Ascended Master”
>>/26403/ The Lucis Trust's leading sponsors
>>/26404/ >>/26405/ The Lucis Trust By, Atrayu
>>/26410/ Possible McCain Lucis Trust Connection, need French>English translation
>>/26415/ Sarah McKechnie is the International President of the Lucis Trust
>>/26441/ Lucis Trust connected to Windsor International Bank and Trust Company
>>/26460/ Lucis Trust > Temple of Understanding > Council on Foreign Relations/Bilderberg Group/Trilateral Commission
>>/26511/ Follow the Money: VIA LUCIS PRESS LLC
>>/26546/ DoD, through 'Defense Microelectronics Activity' has purchased ~$650,000 of what exactly from VIA LUCIS LLC???
>>/26552/ DoD purchases ~$650k of Operations Research and Quantitative Analysis Services from photography "small business"
>>/26560/ VIA LUCIS PRESS LLC address confirmed
>>/26565/ Via Lucis Press = by way of Lucis Trust publishing?