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"The whole world changed in the last few hours."
Evidence from the Al-Baghdadi compound connects players in DC to ISIS operatives, and the origins of ISIS.
This is why Trump tweeted "Something big just happened."
Must-listen, starting at 2:30:
"Special forces is going through documents seized in that raid the other night, and they have found state department cables TO these people FROM our state department.
Cables from our state department to these ISIS bastards. And I'm being told that BHO, HRC, Rice, Cl@pper, Brenn@n, and C0mey are in deeper shit than we thought.
There is incriminating evidence and MI is going through it and they're going to get it over to the DOJ. We found evidence as to the origins of ISIS. And it goes back to Bengazi.
We are specifically directly saying, that we are being told, that when our military took over that compound they found boxes and boxes of documents, not to mention the laptops, and our MI is currently processing all the evidence from that compound, and DOJ people are already looking at this. Durham is working his ass off and has eyeballs on this right now."