My fellow Anons, the /comfy/ has taken quite the battering tonight...not completely sure what caused both the ridiculous shilling or the discord, but I do know the mood & vibe of the board ebbs and flows from time to time. You guise that are going back and forth over some fairly innocuous shit: try to let it go...we're all we've got here in this battle & we need to try our best to respect one another's different ways of doing things even if they don't always jive with our own (unless it's something of great importance to the majority here). Build each other up...don't try to tear each other down. Just Dig, Meme, Pray...and be grateful that we have a home for now (and who knows how much longer?) in which to work and do what we do.
That being said, I have some physical ailments that need tending to so I'm going to call it a night early to try and get some R&R.
I'll see you guise tomorrow...sending you all much love. (no homo)
That being said, I have some physical ailments and utter exhaustion that need tending to..