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DIG on Soros money used against QResearch thru the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD)
Will see if i can repost at least some of the material from earlier this year (Feb-April) on Soros money used for anti-Q report and the gp it went to (Institute for Strategic Dialog).
The text is in QResearch but it's better with caps. But this will take time bc i needed to locate the caps that went with the posts and have IRL shortly.
ALL this material was originally in the Information Warfare thread on QResearch, a thread that BO/BVs deleted (they said it was "garbage") in May. I literally begged them not to delete. But thread was first bumplocked and then manually deleted in May.
Started up Information Warfare II in QRB. It has only the bare bones so far--thread was created on July 30, just b4 deplatformming. It is also archived below.
Where to find ISD posts in first archive Information Warfare I :
The first 20 pages of the archive has general info on information warfare compiled when the thread was launched. The ISD posts start shortly afterwards, there is quite a bit of info there. Start with this post:
Will compile a list of the relevant posts later today, stay tuned.
Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 22:56:14 [Preview] No.10420 [X] del >>/10519/ (you) >>/10522/ >>/10928/ (you)
>>/10413/ (you)
Information Warfare Archives/Articles
Information Warfare I:
ARCHIVE: (newest)
Information Warfare II: