Dr Michael Boden on Hannity re Epstein's death
Robt Epstein's injuries more consistent with stragulation than suicide
50 years of experience
more than 20,000 autopsies
When autopsy was done, he attended the autopsy
noticed unusual injuries in a person described as committing suicide
e.g., damage to hyoid bone
beneath it, adam's apple (2 breaks there)
lot of force there
happens more in manual or ligature strangulation
looked like ligatures
"forcibly pulled together"
family wants to know the truth
injurites not typically seen in a suicidal hanging"
H what are the odds?
Dr: 75% chance it's a homicide
we don't have DNA results of ligature marks around the next
where is the ligature? not clear at all
H: spoke with atty
was looking forward to prove his innocence
Dr: 18 days earlier, had marks on necks; said another inmate assaulted
H: could you determine 100% the cause of death?
Dr: think it's getting up to around 90% [i think he means on chance that death is homicide; unclear]
[discussion on adam's apple damage and ligature marks--ever heard this b4?? I had not]