> >>/27547/ (you)
> Dr Michael Boden on Hannity re Epstein's death
> 10-30-19
thanks for sp
i was just listening
> Robt Epstein's injuries more consistent with stragulation than suicide
> 50 years of experience
> more than 20,000 autopsies
> When autopsy was done, he attended the autopsy
> noticed unusual injuries in a person described as committing suicide
> e.g., damage to hyoid bone
> beneath it, adam's apple (2 breaks there)
> lot of force there
> happens more in manual or ligature strangulation
> looked like ligatures
> "forcibly pulled together"
> family wants to know the truth
> injurites not typically seen in a suicidal hanging"
> H what are the odds?
> Dr: 75% chance it's a homicide
> we don't have DNA results of ligature marks around the next
> where is the ligature? not clear at all
> H: spoke with atty
> was looking forward to prove his innocence
> Dr: 18 days earlier, had marks on necks; said another inmate assaulted
> H: could you determine 100% the cause of death?
> Dr: think it's getting up to around 90% [i think he means on chance that death is homicide; unclear]
> [discussion on adam's apple damage and ligature marks--ever heard this b4?? I had not]