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See, I am all aboard the Q train, but this kind of shit pisses me off. Realistically, if Q believes the public can't handle the truth of that video, then he's really no better than them that think they are morally superior to others. I am an ADULT. I choose to accept the sin upon myself to view the video, knowing full well the consequences that could arise both legal and spiritual. I accept that burden. Stop with the code, and CHANGE FUCKING HUMANITY already. If you don't release this shit once and for all, you're going to let us go down as conspiracy theorists again, and ONCE AGAIN shills like Alex Jones are going to rise up to misdirect the truth, because ONCE AGAIN, we are neglecting an opportunity to clue people in to the true knowledge of antiquity, which is that the "devil" exists among men. Most old school chantards have caught an eyeful of CP, gore, torture, rape, etc at one point or another. What we HAVEN'T caught an eyeful of is evidence of an elite doing something like this. So in short, I'm going to be 11/10 fucking furious if this dig is going to lead us to another fucking wall of silence after years of research and trying to break out of the matrix. God damn good guys, you haven't even won yet and you're acting like bad guys. rant over, but god damnit I need happenings, not just shit me and my autist friends know about and no one else.