borderization PNG
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mccain institute PNG
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UN on human rights PNG
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From McCain to the UN in 3 easy nonpartisan steps
Have a look at that front page (pic related). Those are all UN principles.
What’s that button ‘we hold these truths? What truths do they hold, exactly?
Spoiler: it ain’t the ones in the US constitution. Turns out, it is all about what the UN thinks human rights are. There’s even a song about it. However, what is conspicuously missing is a list of those much trumpeted ‘Human Rights’. Isn’t that odd.
Look how non partisan they are. Making sure they SAY they do not support or oppose any political candidate or party. But helllllo, what is this Mavericks thing?
Sure looks partisan to me. Check out the press coverage in pic related.
Between the anti Trump messaging and the obvious pushing of UN principles, I don’t think these people can call themselves non partisan and cover over their treason with platitudes.
This is why we don’t like to say his name.
Did not find Ukraine involvement BUT there is this:
What’s borderization? Things like illegal fencing. Did anyone ask the people of Georgia how they feel about this? Or is it part of the creeping UN takeover, an effort to drum up conflict where none exists?