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De Blasio: 'Something doesn't fit' about Jeffrey Epstein's death

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio fueled conspiracy theories about Jeffrey Epstein’s death, saying Thursday that “something doesn’t fit.” The city’s chief medical examiner is standing by the conclusion that the convicted sex offender died by hanging himself in his prison cell this summer after a pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother cast doubt on the findings. The pathologist, Dr. Michael Baden, claimed Epstein more likely died of homicide than suicide, as determined by Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson. 

“Something doesn’t fit here. It just doesn’t make sense that the highest profile prisoner in America, you know, someone forgot to guard him,” de Blasio told reporters. “I want to understand, I think everyone wants to understand, what really happened. I don’t know what the nature of the death was," the mayor said. "I just know it should never have happened, and we still don’t have good answers.”

Epstein, 66, was found dead in his prison cell in New York City’s Metropolitan Correctional Center on Aug. 10. In August, de Blasio called for a “full investigation” into Epstein’s death, speculating that Epstein had not killed himself. "I’m not a conspiracy theorist by nature,” he said. “This is way too convenient. This makes no sense. He’s one of the most prominent prisoners in America, at that point.”

Also see: 
'Way too convenient': De Blasio speculates about Epstein's death