fe.settings:getUserBoardSettings - non array given[qanonresearch] - Endchan Magrathea
John Brennan still has his security clearance. Why?

CFR>ATLANTIC COUNCIL>SES> all still running the narrative and show.

Present at the re-creation: A global strategy for revitalizing, adapting, and defending a rules-based international system

Across the West, there is a loss of confidence in its own political model. Growing inequalities are leading many to question open-market economics and provoking a backlash against global engagement.

The global distribution of power is shifting. Revisionist, autocratic states seek to disrupt or displace the existing system. Authoritarian state capitalism is challenging the Western model of free markets and politics as the best way to order society. In addition, new issues, such as emerging disruptive technologies, have arisen for which the original system was never designed.


 "our democracy"