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you really dont get it do you?
you will.
> ¹nothing can stop what is coming.
(you) [>>/qanonresearch/28599@28501
> To end human suffering for ever...
< not a thing... read your bible again.
call it what you will... this Is The End.
religion has been tinkered to express the "deep thought" of a future dreamt by horrors beyond imagining. this planet was already scoured at least once [most likely moar] for the very evil which is in control this day and has been for only God Knows how long. 
> God will not strive with the spirit of man forever...
< this Is Now.
continue your false hope in this world's future at not only your peril, but that of your children also.
> none are ao blind as those who will not see.
so castigate [me] as ye wish... see ¹.
this is not "the front line" and violence will accomplish naught... yet Not standing up for what is right both now and/or in the event "the plan" fails (Or succeeds, depending) will not change the fact it Is coming, and being a pacifist, even in speech alone, will get you nothing but more dead.
Donald Trump is in control of all of this... was just posting some old shit whilst going through old files when the bred was dead.
none of this changes the fact that the apocalypse is upon us... these revelations of truth only lead one place in the end regardless of you or [me] or Don...
the end of all that was, and the beginning of all that truly Is.