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> Anyone think this Q drop comes into play here...

a) Possible use of social media to leave coded comms by human traffickers? 

b) Possible use of social media app to spy on targets to determine recruitability/vulnerability to being recruited? 

As an example of possible use of social media for secret comms to traffickers and refugees:
Over in QR found and interesting social media post (Trp Advsr) about a great “getaway” idea for Long Beach. Interesting in that the poster is from Montevideo, Uruguay. Why is this guy posting pics of Long Beach Harbor and Alamitos Bay. Pics seemed more like a breadcrumb path of landmarks and public transport to be used. 

Also interesting to note- Montevideo is a huge port town on the eastern side of South America. Also if interest, Uruguay took in the largest number of Syrian refugees than any of the other South American countries. This dig came out of our dig into Alamitos Bay.