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Content is words and wit, and memes help but, asking for 8 chum archive here is truly silly.  We are glad to see that chumhole gone.  Notice that it won't ever be a Q base again?  Did you take note that 4 chum, utter craphole, was nuked and sold off to the chinese, and 8 chum was tghe tattered leavings, throw to the orcs of intl and b?  Are you not keeping up?

Anyway for my part the best pawn stars was when chumlee found that one totally rare bike some dude had in his driveway, totally not scripted.
So yeah, also some of these inner tubers on these threads, use chan terms, a sign of obvious low IQ and lemminglikke stupidity.  And, thus, it is well, to throw all this low quality meme reposting shit, right back in their faces.  Ah yes, you all use English.