Understood, and hopefully you will understand:

This poor old man had nothing going in his life except constant pain. He just tried doing it on a whim and was amazed and overwhelmed at the positive response. It actually moved the man to tears. Making those graphics was his one way of contributing, at his advanced age he was just so grateful to be a part of this beautiful and noble effort. He considered it almost his life's accomplishment. He really knew nothing about which fonts are 'masonic' and which aren't. Fuck I do graphics and would choose whatever I think looks best. I know a lot of weird shit about history, esoteric, DEW and all sorts of strange things, but I don't know what fonts are 'masonic' and which aren't. Graphics people just choose what they think will look good. And again, this elder had no training, no anything. He just tried it and kept going based on the positive response from us.

> Certain colors are evil, certain numbers are evil, certain letters are evil, certain fonts are evil. 

The people who use certain symbols to message each other for evil purposes do it intentionally. The colors, letters, numbers, animals, fonts or whatever themselves are not evil. Normal people don't know and just use letters/numbers/colors/animals/fonts or whatever in graphics or logos or whatever.

Unfortunately people can ascribe meaning where there really is none, or none intended. More unfortunate, people can ascribe a nefarious motive to someone who has no idea and is using colors/letters/fonts/numbers/animals with total innocence and good intentions.

That is the point.

I hope that man is okay, no telling what happened or where he went when 8ch shut down,. In fact, I don't think he had made many new ones after a certain point (others can correct me, the latest # I have is #65)