Another strange side show to this whole ordeal was the curious case of Frederick Brennan, AKA Hotwheels, AKA the original founder of 8chan. Why, after being so committed to the cause of free speech and internet freedom that he founded 8chan, literally the greatest outpost of free speech anywhere on the internet, and having ties with the Great Awakening operation (with the famous incident where he supposedly found a foam letter Q left in his apartment) would he go totally to the dark side right when the good guys are on the verge of total victory? Why the total shift in his values? Moreover, 8chan was on the verge of going online on August 17th when Brennan bragged about getting the site shut back down and suddenly it lost all of its DNS info and so forth that was starting to populate. How did he suddenly gain such power? If we accept the Qanon project is legitimate, how was such a minor figure more powerful and influential than the US military? It made no sense, not a single part of it. From his inexplicable heel turn to his unbelievable level of power. I suggest that Brennan is playing some kind of theatrical role, just like Bannon, just like Scaramucci, just like Mattis. I don’t know exactly what the purpose of this theatre is, but the white hats like to use this kind of feigned drama for some strategic purpose. I have some theories on why they do this, but it is outside the scope of this particular article. It is a subject I will return to in the future though.
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