thumbnail of Toshia Marie Alice-In-Wonderland Johnson Poundstone.jpg
thumbnail of Toshia Marie Alice-In-Wonderland Johnson Poundstone.jpg
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Who names their kid [Alice-In-Wonderland]?
> Digg on Paula Poundstone
Toshia Marie [Alice-In-Wonderland] Johnson Poundstone 
LA Times, Dec. 18, 2002
Poundstone explains that she’s known Toshia since she was 10 months old and became her foster mother when the child was 4. “When I told her I was going to adopt her, I said, ‘I want you to take my last name so we sound like the family we really are.’ But I didn’t want her to lose the middle name she already had, which is Marie. Or the last name, because that is part of who she is. So I told her we’d push those names into the middle. And I said since we are going to see a judge to do this right, you can also choose one more middle name if you want to. So her full legal name is Toshia Marie Alice-In-Wonderland Johnson Poundstone.”
Source of photo
Black Celebrity Kids
Feb 16, 2010

Comedian Paula Poundstone and her teenage daughter Toshia (born 1991) arrive at 14th Annual Art Directors Guild Awards on February 13, 2010 in Beverly Hills, California.

In addition to being a foster parent, Paula has three adopted children. In 1993, she adopted her first child Thomas and in 1997, she adopted her daughters Toshia and Allison.