sometimes-baker signing off
GHOST BAKE, note-taker volunteers welcome

#9452 @155 no. 30994
notetaker #1
 >>/30858/ Trump administration begins formal U.S. withdrawal from Paris climate agreement
 >>/30863/ DJT tweet (anon interpretation: "ALL to read" = "ALL TO RED")
 >>/30884/ Vietnamese police arrest 8 in connection with 39 people found dead in UK truck
 >>/30887/ Greek authorities discover 41 migrants in refrigerated truck, mostly Afghans
 >>/30889/ Endchan archived threads so far
 >>/30891/ US Attorney John Durham expands DOJ investigation into origins of the Russian probe
 >>/30893/,  >>/30904/,  >>/30904/,  >>/30905/,  >>/30906/,  >>/30927/,  >>/30925/ Did Biden cooperated with segregationists? (and does it matter)? 
 >>/30900/,  >>/30901/,  Trump Rally on RSBN, Golden State
 >>/30919/ Everything is about race now! ("Is _ racist?")
 >>/30951/Rand Paul at POTUS Ky Rally: Subpoena Hunter Biden! Subpoena the whistleblower!
 >>/30993/ What's the meaning of the encrypted military message sent yesterday?
 >>/30994/ LTC (R) Jim Hickman's statement on LTC Alex Vindman

 >>/30894/ DJT tweet
"will add if sauced"

Anons, anything to add? Plz tag to this post, thx!