When masons say "it rains" they are not actually speaking of rain. So masons talk in such a way that if a profane heard what they where saying it would cause problems so they say "it rains" to signal the other mason to stop talking because an outsider is near. so masons talk about one thing while appearing to speak of another thing. That in itself is lying because its just 2 fake people pretending to talk about fishing or what have you.Beyond that it in itself can show how there is a shadow world not just a shadow government. There is shadow retail employees shadow service industry employers and employees. All manner of shadow civilians gangstalking gangstalking targeted harrasment crisis actors gangstalking. They gaslight people the same way. "Have you seen a non-fiction book. Yeah its ANON fiction book." You are then sitting there wondering if they are saying anon talking to you. So its all right beneth the surface. You ask a mason if everything is okay in the cult they say oh sure but then again they have to say its raining outside if you caught them discussing the craft. So something is wrong here. Its one thing if its just men who wear wacky ties every now and then but there is going back to the "satanic panic" and hundreds of years even the accounts of satanic cults hidden in the pillars of the community. If the pillars of the community convene is such a way they can't say what the fuck is going on then how is it the semi-awake peoples fault? There is this fraternity cult whatever you want to call it and its ruining the world. Its ruining everything but no one can say anything because then people start secretly spying on you and harrasing you and even suiciding people. Don't judge the cult though because they are allowing me to be alive thanks everything is fine ill go back to sleep.