Well, I get ur point.
What i usually do is to reply to anon that a dig has already been done and about when, then refer then to Qresearch.
(a) dig is really old and
(b) there's new info, a newspeg or Q drop
Because otherwise, newfags can get quite a bit out of qresear.ch--including article links, etc., to catch up with. And they ought to--that's what it's there for.
The main purpose of a QR board is to digg out new info. Yes, we educate newfags but that's not the main focus. And it shouldn't be--just look at the Intro to QResearch, which makes it clear that we don't baby newfags but let them learn through experience.
I'm supportive of newfags but this is a warzone--and it's always that. Treat anons like the adults they are--give them leads, databases, and tips--but let them figure it out from there. Warriors don't need coddling.